Ancient Seas Gallery Concept Design

Alongside an esteemed group of peers, Luci Creative worked closely with the Milwaukee Public Museum to reimagine the possibilities for Wisconsin’s most-visited museum. We developed and designed concepts for multiple galleries including, Ancient Seas. Our approach recreates the diverse ancient reefs of Wisconsin through colorful, large-scale dioramas, with a subtle blend of layered information. Visitors travel through time, from right to left, as they see the Silurian and Ordovician periods displayed in vivid detail. Along the front of the immersive diorama is a seamless and unobtrusive reader rail containing informational panels, multimedia, and interactives, as well as smaller fossils and artifacts.

Between the reader rail and the reef, a sheet of glass provides a surface for augmented information. Here, visitors can dig deeper as they access information about coral, fauna, and geology that’s layered over the diorama. Beyond the diorama, an incredible visual of the rendered seas shows the depth and scale of life in Wisconsin’s prehistoric ocean.

This approach pays homage to the Milwaukee Public Museum’s history as a leader in the art of the diorama and highlights the possibilities for supplementing this crowd favorite exhibit technique with the best and least intrusive technology.

Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee, WI

Creative Strategy

Content Development Charrette

Concept Design

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