This thought-provoking temporary exhibit was designed by museum staff and Luci Creative, with the help of more than 50 community partners. Luci Creative, along with media partner Richard Lewis Media Group, were hired to provide expertise on exhibition design, visitor flow, media interactives, and fabrication. Our team helped the museum solidify the look and determine how to take the conceptual ideas and turn them into a reality.
Visitors are taken on a path to unravel the opioid crisis one step at a time, including the science and biology behind Opioid Use Disorder, our nation’s history with other health crises, personal stories from impacted Hoosiers, and the various roads to recovery. The exhibit uses a mix of science, multimedia, hands-on interactives and inspiring artwork, to help patrons better understand the nature of addiction, how our culture got here, and what we can all do to help change the course we’re on. The ultimate goal of the exhibit is to remove the isolation and stigma of shame surrounding Opioid Use Disorder, and to encourage visitors to affect positive change in this crisis. The exhibit will be open until August 2021.FIX won the 2020 Best Practice Award from the Association of Midwest Museums