Emerson Innovation Discovery Lab

From the moment they enter the Emerson Innovation Discovery Lab, K-12 and college students are invited to join the world of manufacturing and make an impact on the world’s future and on their own lives. The Innovation Lab is a new education and interactive experience focused on changing the image of manufacturing, and on building the foundations for creating and encouraging a diverse workforce. Luci Creative was hired to develop a space that highlights innovations in manufacturing, and illustrates how manufacturing improves our lives, our communities, and our world — and how it requires all kinds of people to collaborate, test ideas, and solve problems.

With vibrant colors that pop off a neutral background of white and concrete, Luci Creative designed a visually striking and contemporary open space that inspires engagement and collaboration, and that melds an industrial aesthetic with a bit of whimsy. Each interactive section has its own identifying accent color, indicating its zone while also reinforcing the OTCC brand.

The sections Team Up!, Create It!, Build It!, and Produce It! each feature interactive gameplay and a custom illustrated robot, showing students examples of manufacturing, from everyday objects to a robotic arm. Through hands-on maker space-inspired activities, visitors are encouraged to join the manufacturing process as innovators and problem solvers, addressing real-world issues. Visitors have the option of choosing to follow the operation order of the Innovation Lab, or to discover their own path.

Ozarks Technical Community College
1500 SF
Springfield, Missouri

Creative Strategy

Brand Integration

Content Development

Exhibit Design

Graphic Design

Custom Illustration 

Interactive Development

Project Management

Fabrication Oversight

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